This Shabbat at mincha we did not make minyan. This is the third evening minyan that fell through this week and that is just sad. I'm not sure what the priorities are or are thought to be at Cong. Beth Sholom these days, but if daily minyan isn't one of them I'm in the wrong place.
It has occurred to me that within the group who are committed to minyan at CBS there is not always complete communication. I hope that by setting up a blog we can keep better progress of what is going on day today, where there are problems and where problems are anticipated.
I know that Judy and Sol have been meeting to try to work out some strategies. This is mine. I intend it to be an open forum for all CBS members, particularly the regular minyanaires. If you have a response to what I have said please comment. If you want to comment on a specific Shachrit or Mincha/Maariv subsequent to Mincha 10/16/10 please email me your comment ( If you are interested in making regular contributions, please let me know and once someone shows me how to authorize other users to comment I'll set you up.
Shavuah Tov,
Henry, I'll be there tonight, Sunday, at 6 p.m., 10/17.